EC Paediatrics

Case Report Volume 13 Issue 4 - 2024

Parental Neglect and Physical Child Abuse. Case Report

Vidal Vidal JA1, García García MG2, Dzul Pech F3, Heredia González CA4, Solorio Ramírez E4, Vázquez Moreno F5, Ortiz Cárdenas L6, Urbina Hernández JF7, Zavaleta Hernández SY7, Castillejos Blake RA7, Tlahuizo Caballero Y8, Cholula Alarid R9, Soancatl Rodríguez DG9, Soancatl Rodríguez LG9, Porras Aguilar E9, Jiménez Céspedes S10, Rosas Alfonso TA11 and Martínez Tovilla Yaneth12*

1Chief of Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
2Chief of Department of Pediatric Urgency, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
3Second-Year Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Resident, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
4Second-Year Pediatrics Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
5Second-Year Pediatrics Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital de Alta Especialidad de Veracruz, México
6Second-Year Pediatrics Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital General "Dr. Eduardo Vázquez Navarro" Puebla, México
7Attending Physician, Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
8Palliative Care Psychologist, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
9Medical Social Service, Faculty of Medicine, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), México
10Director of Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
11Deputy Director of Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México
12Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, (BUAP)/Mexican Burn Association, Chief of Education and Research, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México

*Corresponding Author: Martínez Tovilla Yaneth, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, (BUAP)/Mexican Burn Association, Chief of Education and Research, Hospital para el Niño Poblano, Puebla, México.
Received: March 01, 2024; Published: March 07, 2024

Introduction: Parental negligence can be defined as a form of mistreatment by the parent (or guardians) towards the children due to deficiency of attention to basic needs, or poor implementation of them. In México, it was reported in 2020 that 42.2% of girls and 45.3% of boys suffered some form of physical abuse.

Case Presentation: This 2 years 3 months old male patients, who presented multiple lesions of nonspecific etiology. His condition on admission in the Hospital para el Niño Poblano was critical, for that reason the Public Prosecutor's Office was notified and he was admitted to the intensive care unit. After clinical improvement, it was decided to extubate and remove the nasogastric tube and transfer to the internal medicine floor, where there was appropriate progress, leading to the decision for discharge from the hospital with follow-up by the outpatient neurology, gastroenterology, clinical nutrition, and psychology services.

Discussion: This case illustrates the complexity of child maltreatment, involving a young male patient suffering from various forms of abuse, including scald burns, contusions, lacerations, and fractures, underlining the multifaceted nature of child abuse and its severe health implications. The child, exposed to both physical neglect and abuse after being abandoned by his mother.

Conclusion: It's imperative to recognize and intervene in cases of parental neglect syndrome promptly, requiring healthcare professionals to maintain a high suspicion and conduct thorough examinations. Recognizing the syndrome involves understanding both visible and invisible signs of abuse, necessitating a multidisciplinary approach for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and reporting, to mitigate the short- and long-term impacts on the child's physical and psychological health.

 Keywords: Parental Negligence; Medical-Psychological Repercussions; Child

Martínez Tovilla Yaneth., et al. "Parental Neglect and Physical Child Abuse. Case Report". EC Paediatrics 13.4 (2024): 01-07.