EC Paediatrics

Review Article Volume 14 Issue 2 - 2025

Overview of Congenital Patellar Dislocation in Children

Nguyen Ngoc Hung*

Surgical Department, Vietnam National Hospital for Pediatric, Ha Noi Medical University, Vietnam

*Corresponding Author: Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Surgical Department, Vietnam National Hospital for Pediatric, Ha Noi Medical University, Vietnam.
Received: December 27, 2024; Published: January 31, 2025

Congenital patellar dislocation can occur as a persistent lateral patellar dislocation manifested by knee flexion contractures and the patella being forced externally onto the femoral condyle or as an intermittent patellar dislocation. In the latter syndrome, the patella dislocates completely with each cycle of knee flexion and extension and is best referred to as an obligatory patellar dislocation, as the patient has no control over the patella dislocating as child moves the knee. The first type of congenital patellar dislocation, which is fixed, is often associated with syndromes such as arthrogryposis and should be corrected surgically by lateral release and realignment of the patella. Obligatory patellar dislocation tends to be an isolated dysplastic deformity and can be tolerated relatively well. Patellar realignment is usually performed at an older age because it has less impact on function. The present author describes the natural history of patellar dysplasia, details the pathologic changes present, and recommends surgical techniques for the correction of both types of congenital patellar dislocation.

 Keywords: Congenital Patellar Dislocation; Children; Knee Flexion

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Nguyen Ngoc Hung. "Overview of Congenital Patellar Dislocation in Children". EC Paediatrics 14.2 (2025): 01-29.