EC Paediatrics

Research Article Volume 10 Issue 9 - 2021

Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality of Retro Placental Hematoma among New-Borns at the Mother-Child University Hospital Centre Jeanne Ebori Foundation

Kuissi Kamgaing E1,2*, Lembet Mikolo A1,2, Mintsa-Mi-Nkama E2, Koumba Maniaga R1,2, Busughu-Bu-Mbadinga I2, Loulouga P1, Kwete A2, Abang Ekouaghe L1,2, Koko J1 and Ategbo S1,2

1Department of Pediatrics, University of Health Sciences, BP, Libreville, Gabon
2Child Pole, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire mère enfant Fondation Jeanne Ebori of Libreville (CHUMEFJE), BP, Libreville, Gabon

*Corresponding Author: Kuissi Kamgaing E, Department of Pediatrics, University of Health Sciences, BP, Libreville, Gabon.
Received: July 28, 2021; Published: August 27, 2021

Objective: Describe the epidemiological, clinical and prognostic aspects of newborns from mothers managed for placental retro hematoma.

Patients and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study over 24 months in the neonatal medicine department of the CHUMEFJE. All neonates, born against a background of placental retro hematoma were included. The parameters studied were, frequency, clinical picture, management and complications.

Results: 137 newborns were included, a prevalence of 1.3%. The mean gestational age was 34.9 SA; the sex ratio was 1.2. The average age of mothers was 29.1 ± 6 years. In 55.7% of cases, at least 4 prenatal contacts were made. Gravid arterial hypertension was observed in 31.3% of the cases, among them, 80.5% had a severe form. SHER grade III retro placental hematoma was observed in 49.6% of cases. Caesarean section was the voice of delivery in 97.8% of cases. Fetal death in utero was observed in 47.4% of cases. Of the 72 live newborns, 59.7% were hospitalized in neonatology. The top 3 complications observed were metabolic (81.4%), respiratory (62.8%) and hematological (46.5%). Perinatal mortality was 56.2%. Factors associated with this mortality were GRADES II and III of SHER and gestational age < 37SA (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: Retro-placental hematoma remains a serious pathology associated with high neonatal mortality.


Keywords: PRH; Newborn; Mortality; Morbidity; Gabon

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Kuissi Kamgaing E., et al. “Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality of Retro Placental Hematoma among New-Borns at the Mother-Child University Hospital Centre Jeanne Ebori Foundation”. EC Paediatrics 12.1 (2021): 71-79.