EC Paediatrics

Case Report Volume 12 Issue 2 - 2023

Mycoplasma pneumoiae Associated with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report and Literature Review

Sheila Eid1, Elsy El Hayek2, Peter Noun3, Marise Feghaly4, Chafic Abboud4, Mohamad Farhat5, Elias Al Skaff6 and Desirée Feghaly7*

1MD, PGY3, Pediatric Resident Physician, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon
2MD, PGY2, Pediatric Resident Physician, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon
3MD, Associate Professor in Pediatrics and Pediatric Heamto-Oncology, Lebanon
4Med 4 Student, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon
5MD, PGY5, Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Fellow Physician, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon
6MD, PGY1, Pediatric Resident Physician, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon
7MD, Associate Professor in Pediatrics, Lebanon

*Corresponding Author: Desirée Feghaly, MD, Associate Professor in Pediatrics, Lebanon.
Received: November 25, 2022; Published: January 31, 2023

Introduction: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a rare encountred extrapulmonary manifestation of Mycoplasma pneumonia. In this article we discuss a case of severe hemolysis diagnosed and treated in 72 hours.

Case Description: 3 years old girl presenting for high grade fever, anorexia paleness and non productive cough of 10 days duration.

Discussion: In literature arround 10 cases of M. pneumonia inducing autoimmune hemolytic anemia are reported since 2012. Only one theory explaining why it is being more discovered is that laboratory tests are improving and physicians are having a greater index of suspicion for such infections.

Conclusion: Hemolysis associated with M. pneumoniae must be carefully investigated and diagnosed early for a better outcome. Early diagnosis and Treatment with immunomodulators can protect the patient from short and long-term complications.

Keywords: Mycoplasma pneumoniae; Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia; Pediatrics

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Desirée Feghaly., et al. Mycoplasma pneumoiae Associated with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report and Literature Review. EC Paediatrics 12.2 (2023): 60-65.