EC Paediatrics

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 5 - 2023

Modern Pharmacotherapy of the Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome. Regional Experience in Patients Management

Tropina Elena Pavlovna* and Vera A Zmanovskaya

The Children’s Palliative Care Center, State Autonomous Health Care Institution with Children’s Rehabilitation Center "Nadezhda", Tyumen, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Tropina Elena Pavlovna, Head of the Center for Palliative Care for Children, State Healthcare Institution of Regional Healthcare Center “Nadezhda”, Chief Freelance Specialist in Palliative Care for Children of the Department of Health of the Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Russia.
Received: March 17, 2023; Published: April 27, 2023

Introduction: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a rare disease, however, the awareness of current trends in SBS patients treatment approaches, including the example of pediatric patients management in the Tyumen region of Russia, is of significant scientific and medical interest due to improvement of nursing patient after extensive bowel resections, as well as development of parenteral nutrition opportunities, including home based options.

Basic Provisions: Patients with SBS require a multidisciplinary approach. The traditional tactic for treating such patients includes lifelong parenteral nutrition or intestinal transplantation, as a last resort. Rehabilitation measures for children with SBS should take into account the requirements for correcting malabsorption and rehabilitating nutritional status; relief of diarrhea, prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis; control and correction of general digestive disorders.

The Discussion of the Results: The experience of management of five children with SBS in the Tyumen region of Russia was evaluated. It was found that the analogue of glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) - teduglutide - makes it possible to reduce the amount of parenteral nutrition, the time of infusions, as well as to gain a complete transition to enteral autonomy.

Conclusion: The method of treatment with teduglutide is the most promising for patients of this category.

Keywords: Short Bowel Syndrome; Intestinal Failure; Intestinal Adaptation; Parenteral Nutrition; Teduglutide

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Tropina Elena Pavlovna and Vera A Zmanovskaya. Modern Pharmacotherapy of the Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome. Regional Experience in Patients Management. EC Paediatrics 12.5 (2023): 38-49.