EC Paediatrics

Guest Editorial Volume 13 Issue 6 - 2024

Kicking the 'Single Use Fix' - The WASUP Model

A R Gatrad*

Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Universities of Birmingham, Kentucky, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom and Lahore, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: A R Gatrad, Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Universities of Birmingham, Kentucky, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom and Lahore, Pakistan .
Received: May 02, 2024; Published: May 30, 2024

The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." ... Genesis 2:15.


As custodians of our planet we have been bludgeoning it, driven by greed and thirst for power. Our false sense of righteousness is ill founded and has no moral compass. The stark fact is that the misery of global environmental damage is caused by the world's wealthy nations [1]. As a paediatrician, my job is to practice the science and art of preventing disease, treating it and promoting life. I am therefore, acutely aware that this includes tackling the danger to humans that 'plastic tide' poses.

  1. “Major countries climate change presents the biggest threat to health in the 21st Century”. Lancet9697 (2009): 1659-1734.
  3. Shocking Ocean Plastic Statistics: The Threat to Marine life, The Ocean & Humanity.
  4. Gemma Webber (2021).
  5. Roland Geyerl., et al. “Production, Use, and Fate of all plastics ever made”. Science Advances7 (2017): e1700782.
  6. Esther Garrido Gamarro John Ryder., et al. “Microplastics in fish and shellfish - a threat to seafood safety?” Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology4 (2020): 417-425.
  7. Philipp Schwabl., et al. “Detection of various microplastics in human stool: A Prospective Case Series”. Annals of Internal Medicine 7 (2019): 453-457.
  10. file:///C:/Users/Dr%20Gatrad/Downloads/Brochure_Climate_Protection.pdf
  11. Sarah-Jeanne Royer., et al. “Production of methane and ethylene from plastic in the environment”. Plos one8 (2018): e0200574.
  12. Centre for biological diversity - Oil and Gas.
  13. Tetu SG., et al. “Plastic leachates impair growth and oxygen production in Prochlorococcus, the ocean's most abundant photosynthetic bacteria”. Communications Biology 1 (2019): 184.
  14. Nandita Vijay. “Experts see burning plastics & pollution capable of increasing lung cancer cases in India” (2021).
  15. Joana Correia Prata., et al. “Environmental exposure to microplastics: An overview on possible human health effects”. Science of The Total Environment 702 (2020): 134455.

A R Gatrad. "Long Time Outcome of Surgical Bipolar with Z-Plasty Lengthening and Postoperative with or without Place Cast for Congenital Muscular Torticollis". EC Paediatrics 13.6 (2024): 01-09.