EC Paediatrics

Research Article Volume 13 Issue 12 - 2024

Fibrous Long Head of Triceps and Adduction Contracture of the Shoulder in Children

Nguyen Ngoc Hung*

HongPhat General Hospital, LeDuan Str, HaiBaTrung Díst, Hanoi City, Vietnam

*Corresponding Author: Nguyen Ngoc Hung, HongPhat General Hospital, LeDuan Str, HaiBaTrung Díst, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Received: October 22, 2024; Published: November 11, 2024

Objective: To evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes of surgical treatment of the long head of the triceps in children.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted. Data were analyzed on 52 patients (60 shoulders) aged over 5 years from August 1995 to December 2014. The adduction-retraction angle, the elbow flexion angle when the scapula was held against the chest wall, and the shoulder-arm angle (Rx) were measured. Surgical techniques were performed to release the long head of the triceps. The triceps longus tenotomy was performed.

Results: There were 36 female and 16 male patients in this study. The shoulders were bilateral in 8 patients and the right shoulder in 13 shoulders, and the left shoulder in 47 shoulders were affected. All 52 patients (60 shoulders) developed adduction contracture after repeated intramuscular injections of antibiotics into the long head of the triceps. 54 shoulders (46 patients) were classified as severe and 6 shoulders (6 patients) were classified as moderate, and there were no mild cases. Overall, we achieved excellent results in 56 shoulders (93.3%), good results in 4 shoulders (6.7%). There have been no fair or poor results or complications to date.

Conclusion: Overall, surgical treatment of frozen shoulder has resulted in good results and improved shoulder function. Release of the long head of the triceps is a simple and safe surgical technique.

 Keywords: Intramuscular Antibiotic Injection; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia and Spasticity; Stiffness; Brachial Plexus Palsy

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Nguyen Ngoc Hung. "Fibrous Long Head of Triceps and Adduction Contracture of the Shoulder in Children". EC Paediatrics 13.12 (2024): 01-12.