EC Paediatrics

Commentary Volume 13 Issue 8 - 2024

Expected Death in Pediatrics. The End of Life

Mireia Crehuet Almirall*

Paediatrician Coordinator of the Support Team for Complex Chronicity and Paediatric Palliative Care in Girona (ESCCAPP-GI), Coordinator of the Palliative Care and Chronicity Working Group Catalan Paediatrics Society, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Mireia Crehuet Almirall, Paediatrician Coordinator of the Support Team for Complex Chronicity and Paediatric Palliative Care in Girona (ESCCAPP-GI), Coordinator of the Palliative Care and Chronicity Working Group Catalan Paediatrics Society, Spain.
Received: May 27, 2024; Published: June 11, 2024

In general, in our culture and society little is said about death. What we hope and usually project is that the end of life will come in an advanced age, in old age, peacefully, having achieved the illusions we have, without pending "things", in a sweet and serene way.

 We, normally imagine a life projection that goes through birth, development, growth, with the possibility of loving, of being loved, of becoming adults, of maturing and aging until death comes.

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  8. Aitor López-González., et al. “Knowledge on paediatric sedation”. Pediatria Catalana 3 (2020): 100-105.
  9. GRUPS DE TREBALL. Grup C. Pal·liatives i cronicitat.
  10. ¿Qué son los cuidados paliativos pediátricos?

Mireia Crehuet Almirall. "Expected Death in Pediatrics. The End of Life". EC Paediatrics 13.8 (2024): 01-04.