EC Paediatrics

Case Study Volume 13 Issue 12 - 2024

Challenge in Cardiac Rhabdomyoma in Pediatric Age Group

Azza Makram Abdou*

Pediatric Cardiology Consultant, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Azza Makram Abdou, Pediatric Cardiology Consultant, Egypt.
Received: November 18, 2024; Published: November 29, 2024

Primary cardiac tumors in pediatric age group are rare it could be divided into benign or malignant neoplasms. this paper presents two cases of cardiac rhabdomyomas which consider the commonest pediatric tumors to high light the different scenarios in presentations [1].

 Keywords: Rhabdomyoma; Tuberous Sclerosis; Benign Tumor; Hamartoma; Everolimus

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Azza Makram Abdou. "Challenge in Cardiac Rhabdomyoma in Pediatric Age Group". EC Paediatrics 13.12 (2024): 01-12.