EC Paediatrics

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 11 - 2023

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Myths and Realities

Jorge Sales Marques*

Hospital Cuf Trindade, Porto, Portugal

*Corresponding Author: Jorge Sales Marques, Hospital Cuf Trindade, Porto, Portugal.
Received: August 03, 2023; Published: September 29, 2023

Autism spectrum disorder is part of a neurodevelopment disorder in which in 75% of cases we cannot find an etiology. It is characterized by communication and social interaction difficulties and also by restricted and repetitive behaviors The classification is based mainly in the DSM-5. Clinically the symptoms are variable in young and older children.

We need to try to find an etiology for ASD so we can start the early intervention, mainly speech and occupational therapy and physiotherapy, always with the participation of the family.

 Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Myths; Realities

Jorge Sales Marques. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Myths and Realities. EC Paediatrics 12.11 (2023): 01-07.