1Graduate in Foreign Languages, Instructor Professor, Instituto Superior de International Relations, Cuba
2First Degree Specialist in Maternal-Child Nursing, Master's Degree in Comprehensive Care for the woman, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical Sciences "Enrique Cabrera", Cuba
3Comprehensive General Practitioner, Instructor Teacher, Faculty of Medical Sciences of Granma, University of Medical Sciences of Granma, Granma, Cuba
41st Degree Specialist in Comprehensive General Stomatology, Master in Emergencies Stomatological, Assistant Teacher, Faculty of Medical Sciences of Camagüey, University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey, Cuba
Introduction: The language influences the way of thinking, living and relating to each other of its speakers due to its role in reflecting the practices of each collective human and the transmission of knowledge. This means that communication and learning English as a foreign language include the elements of culture reflected in this language.
Objective: Carry out a system of activities to develop intercultural competence in nursing students.
Materials and Methods: A system of activities is proposed through an agenda of proof, documentary study, compilation and information during the entire stage of the investigative process.
Several research methods were used, in the empirical methods, the observation of the survey and interview. In theoretical methods, historical analysis logic, the systemic approach and modeling, as well as the logical procedures of the thinking and mathematical-statistical methods.
Results: The learning of English as an international language and knowledge corresponding intercultural studies is especially valid in the subject of English, based on a system of activities, for the perfection of the language for which they must learning to communicate in that language implies mastering intercultural content that allow efficient interaction with people, authorities, organizations and works in the countries where they perform their functions.
Conclusion: Learning English as an international language and knowledge corresponding intercultural activities, through a system of activities, results essential in this development.
Keywords: Language; Culture; Activity System; Intercultural Competence; Foreign Languages
Yamila Vázquez Pérez., et al. System of Activities to Develop Intercultural Competence in Nursing Students of the Faculty of Medicine Dr. Enrique Cabreras, Cuba, 2022. EC Paediatrics 12.2 (2023):01-08.
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