1Consultant Scientist, Division of Reproductive Biology, Maternal and Child Health, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India
2PhD Scholar, Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India
3Scientist C, Division of Reproductive Biology, Maternal and Child Health, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India
4Scientist F (Senior Grade Deputy Director), Clinical Division, National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Hyderabad, India
5Adjunct Assistant Professor, Amrita Institute of Medical Science and Research Center, Kochi, Kerala, India
6Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, India
7Additional Professor of Health Economics, Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India
Objectives: Anemia is a major public health problem in India. A cluster-randomized trial (cRCT) is undergoing in rural Telangana, India, to evaluate a ‘Screen and Treat for Anemia Reduction (STAR)’ approach using population-level screening for anemia using point of care diagnostic methods followed by appropriate treatment.
Methods: Here we describe the economic evaluation protocol of this approach, to be conducted alongside the cRCT. This will address the question of whether the approach will be a cost-effective intervention for increasing population mean hemoglobin and reducing the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women and children (6 months - 5 years age), as compared with the existing anemia control program alone. A cost-utility analysis (CUA) will be conducted to explore and quantify the costs per health gain using a societal perspective, considering costs and outcomes relevant to the public health department and the study population and quality of life (QoL) of the population in the intervention group using the EQ-5D-5L tool. The relative costs and outcomes will be assessed using the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) in cost per percentage point reduction in anemia prevalence across the two approaches and cost per percentage point increase in the population mean hemoglobin, for the combined 6-month prevalence of anemia and cost per quality-adjusted life-years gained. Decision-analytic modelling to estimate cost-effectiveness beyond the trial period, will also be conducted.
Results and Conclusion: The results of this economic evaluation would help policymakers make an informed decision regarding this strategy for anemia reduction.
Keywords: Anemia; cRCT; Health Economics; CEA; Protocol
Anju Sinha., et al. Protocol for Economic Evaluation of a cRCT on Screen and Treat Strategy for Anemia Reduction in Rural India. EC Paediatrics 11.8 (2022): 27-35.
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