EC Paediatrics

Review Article Volume 11 Issue 8 - 2022

Case Presentation Anon-Traumatic Surgical Emergency in Children

Abdulnasser Ahmed Skheita*

Pediatric Consultant, Head of Pediatric Department, Hotat Bani Tamim General Hospital, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Abdulnasser Ahmed Skheita, Pediatric Consultant, Head of Pediatric Department, Medical Director, Hotat Bani Tamim General Hospital, Saudi Arabia.
Received: June 22, 2022; Published: July 27, 2022

Pyloric Stenosis considered one of the important pediatric non traumatic surgical emergencies.

The main presenting complaint is an excessive vomiting which is started usually from the second week of life and the classical projectile nature of the vomiting isn’t usually present and the most important sign that indicate an organic cause of the vomiting is that a reduced weight gain.

Keywords: Pyloric Stenosis; Projectile Vomiting

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  2. Stefano Guandalini., et al. “Textbook of pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition” (2016): 35-39.
  3. Kliegman St Geme., et al. “Nelson Textbook of pediatrics”. 21 Edition (2020): 1946-1948.

Abdulnasser Ahmed Skheita. Case Presentation Anon-Traumatic Surgical Emergency in Children. EC Paediatrics  11.8 (2022): 36-44.