EC Orthopaedics

Impact Factor: 1.324


Journal Info

Journal : EC Orthopaedics
Current Issue : Volume 14 Issue 10 - 2023
Publication Date : December 01, 2023
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
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Current Issue


Updates in Shoulder Rehabilitation

Nithin Sunku. 14(10): 01-02.

Research Article

Impact of Knee Pathology on Performance of Functional Tests

Helen Razmjou, Alicia Savona, Mark Anunciacion, Andrea Nunn, Andrea Bean, Jessie de Boer, Amy Wainwright, Helen Mann, Roxana Najafi, Cathryn Edmonds, Rachel Davies, Tukata Lin, Kristina Boccia, Abdullah Oredegbe and Yannicca Chang. 14(10): 01-09.

Mini Review

Osteocytes: An Essential Knowledge

Rosini Sergio, Rosini Stefano, Saviola Giannantonio and Molfetta Luigi. 14(10): 01-06.