EC Orthopaedics

Case Report Volume 16 Issue 2 - 2025

Simultaneous Cervical and Lumbar Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy. A Case Report and a Surgical Technique

>Raghad Barri1* and John Choi2

1Orthopedic Spine Fellow, Peninsula Private Hospital, Melbourne/Victoria, Australia

2Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Peninsula Private Hospital, Melbourne/Victoria, Australia

*Corresponding Author: Raghad Barri, Orthopedic Spine Fellow, Peninsula Private Hospital, Melbourne/Victoria, Australia.
Received: January 10, 2025; Published: February 05, 2025

Introduction: Tandem stenosis is not uncommon to see in clinic, the traditional way of treating it is to do a staged decompression usually starting with the cervical spine followed by the lumbar stenosis. However, newer technique in minimally invasive surgery including endoscopic decompression is evolving rapidly and it’s utilization in managing such disease is noticed to decrease patient morbidity, shorten hospital stay and early return to daily activity.

Case Summary: 66 years old gentleman presented to us with chronic severe left leg pain and mild lower back pain that worsen over the past 6 months. In addition to that he was complaining of left sided forearm pain. Both symptoms were not responding to conservative therapy anymore. He was on anticoagulant post aneurysmal surgery that could not be stopped for a long time.

Outcome: Following both decompressions, the patient was very happy. Immediate reduction in analgesia was noticed. Soon after the surgery, the patient returned to his normal daily life activities with no issues.

Conclusion: Simultaneous decompression of tandem stenosis in feasible and safe. It saves the patient second trip to operative theatre. However, it could be technically demanding and requires high knowledge and skill to manage such patients.

 Keywords: Cervical; Lumbar; UBE; Radiculopathy; Decompression

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Raghad Barri and John Choi. "Simultaneous Cervical and Lumbar Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy. A Case Report and a Surgical Technique." EC Orthopaedics 16.2 (2025): 01-06.