EC Orthopaedics

Case Report Volume 14 Issue 9 - 2023

Osteoid Osteoma of the Semilunar Bone: A Rare Case

Mohamed Rida El Galiou*, El Yazid Houass and Mohamed Salah Berrada

Orthopedic Surgery Department of Ibn Sina Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco
*Corresponding Author: Mohamed Rida El Galiou, Orthopedic Surgery Department of Ibn Sina Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, University Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco.
Received: September 03, 2023; Published: September 08, 2023

This article presents a comprehensive case study and literature review on osteoid osteoma of the semilunar bone. The rarity of this condition, coupled with its atypical clinical presentation as inflammatory monoarthritis, poses diagnostic challenges and delays proper treatment. Radiological diagnosis through CT scan and MRI is confirmed histologically. Surgical management, centered around radical curettage, offers complete healing and prevention of recurrences. Through a detailed examination of a case and a review of existing literature, this study sheds light on the clinical characteristics, diagnostic intricacies, and effective surgical approaches for this unique condition.

Keywords: Osteoid Osteoma; Lunate Bone; Curetting and Graft

Mohamed Rida El Galiou., et al. “Osteoid Osteoma of the Semilunar Bone: A Rare Case” ”. EC Orthopaedics  14.9 (2023): 01-05.