EC Orthopaedics

Review Article Volume 14 Issue 9 - 2023

On the Issue of Performing Stretching Exercises in the Preparatory Part of Training Sessions for Jumpers and Sprinters

Egorov AT*

1Sports Training Center of the National Teams of the Chuvash Republic Named After A. Ignatiev" of the Ministry of Sports of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Egorov AT, "Sports Training Center of the National Teams of the Chuvash Republic Named After A. Ignatiev" of the Ministry of Sports of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Russia.
Received: October 31, 2023; Published: Novemver 06, 2023

The preparatory part of physical exercise is an important part of “pulling” the body into the upcoming activity. In this part, the tasks of preparing muscles and tendons are solved. It must be remembered that the impacts experienced by muscles, tendons and the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole, when performing jumps and sprinting, reach 400 kg or more, while the impact time is 0.1s [8]. Under these conditions, the boundary conditions of norm and trauma arise.

There is a belief among coaches that there is no mastery without injury. And high achievement sports are simply not possible without the methodological principle of sports training - “the unity of gradualism, with a tendency to maximum loads” [4]. And this is really justified by the fact that only above-threshold training influences stimulate training, adaptation processes in the body. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid overloads when training highly qualified athletes. However, contrary to these arguments, injuries are still the scourge of training in sports.

The vulnerable part of the musculoskeletal system in a sprinter is the hip, the pathology of which is 43.02%. Sprinters most often experience myositis and myoenthesitis (about 15% of all pathology of the musculoskeletal system), as well as paratenonitis (Achilles tendon paratenonitis and Achilles bursitis). Chronic myoenthesitis is mainly localized in the posterior surface of the thigh muscles [6].

Is it possible to somehow avoid or minimize these disruptions in the training of athletes? To realize this desire, it is necessary to properly prepare the body for the upcoming training work, and athletes are helped in this by the so-called “warm-up”. The objectives of this part of the training session are:

  • Bringing body temperature to working values;
  • Increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments;
  • Adjusting the neuromuscular system to the specific conditions of training activity. In this study, we would like to conduct a revision of the preparatory part of the training session from the point of view of the elasticity of the muscular-ligamentous part of the athlete’s musculoskeletal system.

To do this, we conducted a study, the objectives of which were: Research objectives:

  1. Conduct a review of exercises and motor modes used to stretch and increase the elasticity of the muscular-ligamentous system.
  2. To offer alternative motor modes to increase the elasticity of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of athletes.
  3. Determine the degree of effectiveness of the proposed means and modes of their implementation.

 Keywords: Jerk Exercises; Tissue Extensibility; Microtrauma; Post-Isometry; Dynamic Traction

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Egorov AT. On the Issue of Performing Stretching Exercises in the Preparatory Part of Training Sessions for Jumpers and Sprinters. EC Orthopaedics 14.9 (2023): 01-06.