EC Orthopaedics

Case Study Volume 14 Issue 7 - 2023

Impact of Dysphonia on Quality of Life in a Treatment-Seeking Population

Rafia Sajid*, Tariq Manzoor, Muhammad Ibrahim, Rabia Azmat and Sadia Tahira

Department of Speech and Language Pathology, Fatima Memorial College of Medicine and Dentistry, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Rafia Sajid, Department of Speech and Language Pathology, Fatima Memorial College of Medicine and Dentistry, Pakistan.
Received: June 02, 2023; Published: June 19, 2023

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of dysphonia on quality of life in a treatment-seeking population.

Method: This is an observational descriptive study. Data was collected through self-designed questionnaire from 43 dysphonic patients, 17 men 26 women, from different clinical settings to evaluate the impact of dysphonia on quality of life in a treatment-seeking population.

Results: In this study 43 Dysphonic individuals were included from different clinical settings of Pakistan. Results showed that there was significant impact on educational, social, emotional and professional aspects of life.

Conclusion: The study shows that rate of dysphonia was higher in females as the predominance of females in studied group. Dysphonia decreased the QOL of dysphonic individuals specially in social and emotional aspect and professional use of voice presented worse quality of life.

Keywords: Quality of Life; Dysphonia; Impact; Treatment Seeking Population

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Rafia Sajid., et al. “Impact of Dysphonia on Quality of Life in a Treatment-Seeking Population”. EC Orthopaedics 14.7 (2023): 36-40.