EC Orthopaedics

Editorial Volume 15 Issue 2 - 2024

Immunomodulation Enhancing Bone Healing

George M Weisz1*, Marina-Portia Anthony2 and Michael Houang3

1MD, FRACS(osteo), MA, FAMLC, Uni NSW (Sydney)and Uni, New England (Armidale), Australia

2MB BS, BSc, MPH, FRANZCR, Edgecliff Radiology, Sydney, Australia

3MBBS, FACR, FANZCR, Edgecliff Radiology, Sydney, Australia

*Corresponding Author: George M Weisz, MD, FRACS(osteo), MA, FAMLC, Uni NSW (Sydney)and Uni, New England (Armidale), Australia.
Received: January 03, 2024; Published: January 23, 2024

A significant change in the concept of osteosynthesis was recorded by the end of the last century and the early years of the new one. From a simple metabolic/hormonal concept of bone regeneration, first to an inflammatory concept, eventually moved to a more complicated immunological description. Bone repair process was found to be interfered with age, by diabetes, nutrition, hormone connection, autoimmune diseases, rheumatic arthritis, and nicotine. A new branch of medicine emerged, the Osteoimmunology, yet partially only successful in explaining bone repair.

George M Weisz., et al. "Immunomodulation Enhancing Bone Healing." EC Orthopaedics 15.2 (2024): 01-02.