EC Orthopaedics

Mini Review Volume 11 Issue 03 - 2020

How to Investigate, Diagnose and Manage Female Athlete Triad (FAT) in an Athlete

Anastasia Athanasiou*

Royal Bahrain Hospital, University of South Wales, Bahrain

*Corresponding Author: Anastasia Athanasiou, Royal Bahrain Hospital, University of South Wales, Bahrain.
Received:January 09, 2020; Published: February 17, 2020

The female athlete triad is a disorder seen in physically active females including three basic characteristics: 1) low energy thres- hold with or without disturbed eating habits , 2) menstrual dysfunction, and 3) low bone density [1]. It is essential to realise that an athlete does not need to have all three components of the female athlete triad simultaneously to be diagnosed with the condition. The effects of the disorder may not be completely reversible, so prevention, early diagnosis, and staged intervention are crucial and must be addressed by a multidisciplinary medical team. All athletes are at risk of the female athlete triad, regardless of body build or sport. Hence, all active females should be assessed for signs of the triad and further investigation should be performed if one or more components are identified. Possible harmful effects include susceptibility to musculoskeletal injuries, infertility, poor athletic performance, stress fractures, osteoporosis and phycological disorders. All team physicians should routinely screen their female athletes for any components of FAT with physical examination and rela- ted questionnaires. After prompt diagnosis, an integrated treatment plan should be established. Successful treatment is based on a multidisciplinary approach, including a primary care and/or sports medicine physician, a sports dietitian and mental health practitioner.

Keywords: Female Athlete Triad (FAT); Athlete

Anastasia Athanasiou. How to Investigate, Diagnose and Manage Female Athlete Triad (FAT) in an Athlete. EC Orthopaedics 11.3 (2020): 01-05.