EC Orthopaedics

Review Article Volume 13 Issue 12 - 2022

Evaluation and Management of Cervical Radiculopathy from Disc Herniation and Degenerative Disorders

Selvaraj Periyasamy1*, Prem James Charles2 and Ashwin Narasimhaprasad3

1Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon and Medical Director, RALS Clinic, Dubai, UAE
2Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon and HOD Emergency Department, Adam Vital Hospital, Dubai, UAE
3Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon, Aster Clinic, Dubai, UAE
*Corresponding Author: Selvaraj Periyasamy, Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon and Medical Director, RALS Clinic, Dubai, UAE.
Received: November 29, 2022; Published: December 08, 2022

Cervical radiculopathy (CR) is the disturbance of cervical spinal nerve roots giving rise to significant pain and functional impairment. While degenerative spinal diseases are the most common cause of CR, especially in the older age groups, herniation of the cervical discs is the most common cause in the younger population.

The primary symptom of CR is neck pain that radiates down to the shoulders, arms, forearm, and hands up to the fingers. Pain is often associated with sensory and/or motor symptoms depending upon the stage and severity of the impingement of the nerve root(s). The symptoms may start as acute from a single event or as chronic from repeated episodes.

Most cases of CR are managed by conservative measures which include anti-inflammatory medications, cervical collars, physical therapy, and exercises. Surgical interventions are rarely necessary and are reserved for those cases with significant neurological deficits.

In this article, we discuss key points in the clinical evaluation and methods of conservative management of the two major causes of cervical radiculopathy, i.e. cervical degenerative disorders and cervical disc herniation.


Keywords: Neck Pain; Cervical Radiculopathy; Disc Herniation; Spondylosis

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Selvaraj Periyasamy., et al. “Evaluation and Management of Cervical Radiculopathy from Disc Herniation and Degenerative Disorders”. EC Orthopaedics 13.12 (2022): 18-27.