EC Orthopaedics

Review Article Volume 11 Issue 6 - 2020

Evaluating and Treating Chronic Musculoskeletal and Neuropathic Pain-Addressing the Not-An-Opioid Epidemic

Anastasia Athanasiou*

Consultant Orthopaedics, Sports and Regenerative Medicine, Royal Bahrain Hospital, Kingdom of Bahrain

*Corresponding Author: Anastasia Athanasiou, Consultant Orthopaedics, Sports and Regenerative Medicine, Royal Bahrain Hospital, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Received: April 07, 2020; Published: May 05, 2020

Chronic musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain is a common occurrence in the daily practice of orthopaedic surgeons.

There are several diagnostic approaches and, in most cases, pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy are the golden standard of treatment.

However, in the recent years there is an overuse of opioid and non-opioid pharmacological agents which are highly addictive. Around 10% of US patients suffer from opioid addiction and an unknown number of them from pregabalin addiction. Current statistics for the Kingdom of Bahrain are not available, nevertheless the ministry of health considers pregabalin a controlled medication and prescription from consultant is mandatory in order to dispense from the pharmacy.

It is important to recognize the problem in local communities and internationally and raise awareness regarding the abuse of such medications. Orthopaedic surgeons need to remain vigilant in order to recognize addiction and be well informed and supported by government and private regulatory authorities to control the abuse and offer well designed rehabilitation protocols.

Keywords: Chronic Musculoskeletal; Neuropathic Pain; Opioid Epidemic

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Anastasia Athanasiou. Evaluating and Treating Chronic Musculoskeletal and Neuropathic Pain-Addressing the Not-An-Opioid Epidemic EC Orthopaedics 11.6 (2022): 08-14.