Introduction: Cupping therapy is an ancient form of treatment in which cups of various size and shape are applied on the acupressure points. It is generally being practiced in many countries even in India. Basically cupping is of four type’s i.e. Dry cupping, wet cupping, Fire cupping and dynamic cupping. Cupping therapy has certain benefits followed by side effects also. Cupping therapy is very helpful in decreasing pain, tight muscles spasm etc. As number of research has been done on cupping therapy but in this study our main focus was to see the effect of cupping therapy on forward head posture. So, we gave static dry cupping therapy to the patient having forward head posture along with other intervention therapy.
Case Description: A 45 years old woman reported to world care physiotherapy center with pain in head since last 5 days. Along with this patient was having nausea feeling and heaviness of upper body. According to patient she has been admitted in hospital with same problem 6 months back. On assessment patient posture was analyzed in anterior, posterior and lateral view to rule out the abnormalities. After this motor as well as sensory examination was done of the patient. In sensory examination we checked superficial, deep and cortical sensations. In motor examination we assessed the active, passive range of motion, manual muscle testing. After this forward head measurement was taken. Then patient was advised to go for digital x-ray of cervical spine. After x-ray the anterior translation angle of the head was measured from the Xray. Then patient was given physiotherapy intervention for 4 weeks and again assessment was taken to rule out the outcome measures.
Intervention: 4 weeks of Intervention program was set for the patient. In first week we gave hot fermentation with active range of motion exercises for cervical region. Along with this we gave isometric exercises for cervical region to strengthen up the cervical region. In 2nd, 3rd and 4th week we gave static dry cupping therapy on acupuncture points to the patient on neck and upper cervical region for about 10 minutes. After this patient was given icepacks for about 5 minutes to decrease post treatment muscle soreness. Again isometric exercises of cervical region were taught to the patient. After complete intervention program outcome measures was taken to rule out the significant improvement.
Outcome Measures: After the complete intervention programme outcome measures were taken. The active range of motion and passive range of motion of cervical spine was measured with the universal goniometer which showed significant improvement in the ranges of cervical region. Then MMT was done and it also shows the positive outcome measures. Then forward head posture was measured by two methods i.e. in standing and with the help of x-ray measurement. In both the measurements of forward head was decreased as compare d to the normal.
Keywords: Cupping Therapy; Cervical Pain; Acupuncture Points; Strengthening Exercises; Health
Reema Rasotra. “Effectiveness of Static Dry Cupping Therapy on Increased Forward Head Posture: A Case Report”. EC Orthopaedics 13.12 (2023): 33-39.
© 2022 Reema Rasotra. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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