EC Orthopaedics

Research Article Volume 15 Issue 2 - 2024

Analysis of the Influence of Osteopathic Procedures on the Psychophysiological State of Patients

Korotkov KG1* and Shakirov AM2

11St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, St. Petersburg, Russia

2"Academy" Medical Center, St. Petersburg, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Korotkov KG, St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Received: January 08, 2024; Published: January 25, 2024

Introduction: Published data support the hypothesis that osteopathic procedures influence not only the musculoskeletal structure but also all of a person's internal organs and systems. For further development of this claim, it is important to develop methods for analyzing the influence of osteopathic procedures on the general psychophysiological state of the patient.

Goal of the Study: To investigate the change of psychophysiological parameters of patients undergoing osteopathic procedures from 2022 to 2023 compared to the control group of healthy people who did not have osteopathic treatment.

Methods: Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) method was used to study the psychophysiological state of 25 people of both sexes, with an average age of 43 ± 13 years. Periodically, at least ten times, they underwent osteopathic procedures from 2022 to 2023 by doctor Shakirov A. M. It is shown that the GDV method (Bio-Well device) allows you to monitor the result of osteopathic procedures. The data are stored on the server and can be accessed at any time.

Results: A comparison of GDV parameters for 25 people, regularly, over several years, undergoing osteopathic procedures demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in parameters over time: the stress and fractality coefficient decreased, and photon emission energy increased. These changes were observed for the whole organism and individual organs and systems. In the control group of 15 healthy people of the same sex and age composition, no significant changes in GDV parameters were observed over the same period.

Conclusion: The data obtained confirms the hypothesis that osteopathic procedures affect the psychophysiological state of the patient and the functioning of all organs and systems. Analysis of individual patient data indicated that a regular series of procedures was required to achieve a sustainable effect.

 Keywords: Osteopathic Treatment; GDV Method; Bio-Well; Psychophysiological State

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Korotkov KG and Shakirov AM. "Analysis of the Influence of Osteopathic Procedures on the Psychophysiological State of Patients." EC Orthopaedics 15.2 (2024): 01-07.