EC Orthopaedics

Review Article Volume 13 Issue 8 - 2022

Uncommon Osteonecrosis - Diagnosis, Management and Treatment - for (Kienböck; Osteonecrosis of Talus; Preiser; and Osteonecrosis of Humeral Head) Suppl II: Overview

Nguyen Ngoc Hung*, Hoang Hai Duc, Le Tuan Anh and Phung Cong Sang

National Hospital for Pediatrics, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam

*Corresponding Author: Nguyen Ngoc Hung, National Hospital for Pediatrics, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Received: June 28, 2022; Published: July 07, 2022

Osteonecrosis is a degenerative bone condition characterized by death of cellular components of bone secondary to disruption of subchondral blood supply, traumatic vascular damage.... Also known as necrosis. avascular, it often affects bone growth at weight-bearing joints. Progressive disease can lead to subchondral collapse, threatening the viability of the involved joint. Therefore, early recognition and treatment of osteonecrosis is essential. This activity discusses the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of the disease, presentation, and treatment options of uncommon forms of osteonecrosis.

Keywords: Kienbock's Disease; Osteonecrosis; Osteonecrosis of Talus; Osteonecrosis of Preiser; Osteonecrosis of Humeral Head