EC Orthopaedics

Editorial Volume 13 Issue 8 - 2022

Hybrid Images and the Orthopedic Practice: Beyond the XRays Era

Luz Kelly Anzola F*

Nuclear Medicine Unit, Clinica Reina Sofia,Clinica Universitaria Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

*Corresponding Author: Luz Kelly Anzola F, Nuclear Medicine Unit, Clinica Reina Sofia,Clinica Universitaria Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
Received: August 05, 2022; Published: August 08, 2022

Despite a detailed history and the radiological tools available today, in many circumstances the diagnostic approach in the clinical practice for the orthopedicians continue being hard, because: it is difficult to precisely locate the origin of the pain, the available information through the ancillary tools is limited, and even more when the patient has been previously operated and the anatomical repairs change, the clinical practice becomes more complex.

Luz Kelly Anzola F. Hybrid Images and the Orthopedic Practice: Beyond the XRays Era.EC Orthopaedics 13.8 (2022): 84-85.