EC Ophthalmology

Impact Factor: 1.841


Journal Info

Journal : EC Ophthalmology
Current Issue : Volume 14 Issue 11 - 2023
Publication Date : November 01, 2023
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
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Volume 14 Issue 11

Research Article

Micropulse Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation as Adjuvant Therapy to Ahmed Valve Implantation at the Military Central Hospital

Luis Enrique Casillas Trejo, Daniel de la Torre Tovar, Elizabeth Domínguez Hernández, Luis Rubén Martínez Nava, Pablo Urzúa de la Luz, Karla Ruiz Peralta and Alejandra Hernández Alfaro. 14(11): 01-07.

Mini Review

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Ophthalmology: Novel Frontiers

Anuradha Raj and Jasneet Kaur. 14(11): 01-04.

Case Series

Bilateral Optic Disc Edema and Retinal Vascular Tortuosity in Kawasaki Disease: Rare Manifestations with Good Outcome

Marianna RM Freire, Ana C Pitta, Ana CC Maia, Vitor C Trindade, Tamima MA Arabi, Reinan T Campos, Adriana ME Sallum, Katia Kozu, Marcelo C Costa, Clovis A Silva and Lucia MA Campos. 14(11): 01-05.

Research Article

The Cornea is the Most Transplant and Needed Tissue in the World

Ruben Dario Camargo Rubio. 14(11): 01-07.

Case Report

Surgical Intervention to Prevent Congenital Dacryocystocele Recurrence

Latifa Saeed Alalawi, Fatima Saeed Alalawi, Rizwan Malik and Muhammad Irfan Khan. 14(11): 01-04.