EC Neurology

Research Article Volume 15 Issue 5 - 2023

The Role of Proprioception in Transcallosal Interaction: A Pilot Study on Immobilization of the Upper Limb

Bozza Alessandro1 and Luigi Molfetta2*

11Master's Degree in Motor Sciences, Teacher of Motor and Sports Sciences in Secondary School, Savona, Italy
2University of Genoa, School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, DISC Department, Research Center of Osteoporosis and Osteoarticular Pathologies, Genoa, Italy

*Corresponding Author: Luigi Molfetta, University of Genoa, School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, DISC Department, Research Center of Osteoporosis and Osteoarticular Pathologies, Genoa, Italy.
Received: March 29, 2023; Published: April 10, 2023

Introduction: The strength of the transcallosal fibers connecting the two primary motor cortices (M1) seems to depend on the motor activity of the controlled limb and its contralateral counterpart. This study verifies cortical excitability in healthy subjects with the right hand immobilized for ten hours and the left hand free.

Objectives: The activity of the cerebral cortex M1 was analyzed in two different groups of subjects: the G1 subjected to prolonged immobilization without activity and/or stimuli and the G2 subjected to prolonged immobilization during which stimuli were provided at predefined intervals.

Materials: The study participants were divided into two groups (G1 and G2) that differed in that in G2, during the hours of immobilization, a vibration protocol was also applied. The vibration protocol stabilizes transcallosal inhibitions by simulating the normal use of the immobilized upper limb.

Results: In G1 and G2, after immobilization, the excitability of the left and right motor cortex changed, but in very different percentages depending on the type of activity carried out during the immobilization period.

Conclusion: The non-use caused by immobilization reduces the excitability of the left M1 and decreases the inhibitory effect on the right M1 but by applying a vibration, transcallosal inhibitions stabilize simulating normal use of the arm.

Keywords: Transcallosal Inhibition; Immobilization; Vibration

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Bozza Alessandro and Luigi Molfetta. “The Role of Proprioception in Transcallosal Interaction: A Pilot Study on Immobilization of the Upper Limb”. EC Neurology  15.5 (2023): 26-35.