EC Neurology

Editorial Volume 15 Issue 4 - 2023

Neuronal Connectivity and Non-Classical Brain Functions

William Winlow1,2* and Andrew Simon Johnson1*

1Department of Biology University of Naples, Federico II, Italy
2Institute of Ageing and Chronic Diseases, University of Liverpool, UK

*Corresponding Author: William Winlow, Department of Biology University of Naples, Federico II, Italy and Institute of Ageing and Chronic Diseases, University of Liverpool, UK and Andrew Simon Johnson, Department of Biology University of Naples, Federico II, Italy.
Received: March 08, 2023; Published: March 13, 2023

Many research workers have spent prolonged periods mapping connections between neurons in a wide variety of nervous systems [1-6]. The pathways of sensory inputs and motor outputs have been localised as have central processing areas e.g. in the spinal cord, brain and cerebellum of vertebrates, greatly enhancing our understanding of nervous function in health and disease. However, studies on neural connectivity do not tell us everything about the innermost workings of nervous systems.

To further complicate things, action potentials themselves have three functions within nervous systems: communication, modulation and computation [7], and are now believed to use using phase ternary, rather than binary computation [8,9]. The whole point is that nervous systems are likely to prove to be much more complex than circuit diagrams or hormonal and neurosecretory actions can predict, particularly as there is also accumulating evidence that brains may function as quantum phase computers [10], exhibiting quantum entanglement [11]. These are important concepts which will eventually have a bearing on our understanding of Neuroethology and the organization of animal behaviour.

  1. Dowling JE. “Neurons and Networks: An Introduction to Neuroscience”. Belknap, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass, USA (1992).
  2. Kandel ER. “Cellular Basis of Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neurobiology”. WH Freeman, San Francisco, USA (1976).
  3. Kandel ER. “Behavioral biology of Aplysia”. WH Freeman and Co, San Francisco, USA (1979).
  4. Winlow W and Benjamin PR. “Postsynaptic effects of a multi-action giant interneurone on identified snail neurones”. Nature 268 (1977): 263-265.
  5. Kien J., et al. “Neurobiology of Motor Program Selection: New Approaches to the Study of Behavioural Choice”. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK (1992).
  6. Winlow W and Polese G. “A Neuroplastic Network Underlying Behaviour and Seasonal Change in Lymnaea stagnalis: A Neuroecological Standpoint”. In Neuroecology and Neuroethology in Molluscs: the interface between behaviour and environment, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York (2014): 145-176.
  7. Winlow W and Johnson AS. “Nerve impulses have three interdependent functions: Communication, Modulation and Computation”. Bioelectricity 3 (2021): 161-170.
  8. Johnson AS and Winlow W. “Computing action potentials by phase interference in realistic neural networks”. EC Neurology3 (2017): 123-134.
  9. Johnson AS and Winlow W. “The soliton and the action potential – primary elements underlying sentience”. Frontiers in Physiology 9 (2018): 779.
  10. Johnson AS and Winlow W. “Does the brain function as a quantum phase computer using phase ternary computation?” Frontiers in Physiology 12 (2021): 572041.
  11. Kerskens MK and Lopez DL. “Experimental indications of non-classical brain functions”. Journal of Physics Communications 6 (2022): 105001.
  12. Ventriglia F. “Neural Modelling and Neural Networks”. Preface. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK (1994).
  13. Atmanspacher H. "Quantum Approaches to Consciousness". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2020).
  14. Larson CS. “Primacy of quantum logic in the natural world. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 11 (2015): 326-340.
  15. Horgan T and Tienson J. “A nonclassical framework for cognitive science”. Synthesise 101 (1994): 305-345.

William Winlow and Andrew Simon Johnson. “Neuronal Connectivity and Non-Classical Brain Functions”. EC Neurology  15.4 (2023): 45-47.