EC Neurology

Case Report Volume 16 Issue 2 - 2024

Multiple Dural Metastasis of Glioblastoma

Sidki Kenza*

Radiology Resident, Mansoor University, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Sidki Kenza, Radiology Resident, Mansoor University, Morocco.
Received: February 10, 2024; Published: March 27, 2024

Metastases extra neural stemming from are a rare progression of glioblastoma, with an incidence of 0.4 - 0.5% of all glioblastoma cases. The locations can be extraneural, such as leptomeninges and dural venous sinuses, extraneural and extracranial, such as solid organs and lymph nodes [5], yet in this study, we report the case of a patient previously diagnosed with glioblastoma presenting extramedullary dural metastases. The lesson learned from this case is to look for early craniospinal metastasis in GBM patient [6].

 Keywords: Glioblastoma; Dural; Metastasis; Extraneural; CNS

Sidki Kenza. “Multiple Dural Metastasis of Glioblastoma”. EC Neurology  16.2 (2024): 01-05.