EC Neurology

Clinical Review Volume 17 Issue 1 - 2025

Early Diagnostics of Meningioma of the Sella Turcica Region

Vyacheslav G Podsevatkin, Mikhail O Chepoy, Denis V Baranov, Svetlana V Kiryukhina and Dmitriy A Labunskiy*

Department of Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry, Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Mordovia “Mordovian Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital”, Republic of Mordovia, Zvezdny, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Dmitriy A Labunskiy, Department of Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry, Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Mordovia “Mordovian Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital”, Republic of Mordovia, Zvezdny, Russia.
Received: November 13, 2024; Published: December 09, 2024

Currently, the number of oncological diseases among the population is significantly increasing. It is worth noting that among neoplasms, brain tumors occupy a fairly impressive position, and 10% of them are tumors of the arachnoid space of the meninges - meningiomas of the sella turcica region [1]. The main problem associated with the diagnosis and therapy of meningiomas is their fairly deep localization and, most often, late detection. It is worth noting the age characteristics of the most frequent detection of meningiomas and tracking the correlation of this indicator with possible patient complaints, which will allow detecting a neoplasm at the earliest stage and significantly increasing the prognosis of treatment and further rehabilitation of the patient. In this scientific work, a clinical case of meningioma in a 57-year-old patient was considered, the treatment she received was analyzed and a diagnostic technique for this pathology was proposed.

 Keywords: Meningioma; Mental Disorders; Surgical Treatment; Tumor of the Sella Turcica; Transnasal Access

Dmitriy A Labunskiy. “Early Diagnostics of Meningioma of the Sella Turcica Region”. EC Neurology  17.1 (2025): 01-05.