EC Neurology

Review Article Volume 16 Issue 8 - 2024

Closed-Loop Neuronal-Computational Systems: Potentials and Problems

Hannah Kennedy1, Anagha Hamsala1, Gwen Riley1, Katherine Mock1, Sara Fotoohi1, Jotroop Kaur1, Denice Rosario1, Leilani Renteria1, John R Shook2 and James Giordano3*

1Leadership Initiatives-Advanced Medical Neuroscience; Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA 2Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Bowie State University, Bowie, MD, USA 3Neurology and Biochemistry, and Neuroethics Studies, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, USA

*Corresponding Author: James Giordano, Neurology and Biochemistry, and Neuroethics Studies, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, USA.
Received: July 23; 2024; Published: August 16, 2024

Microelectrode arrays can organize cultivated neurons on various scales for closed feedback loops to measurably enhance their computational capacity. A significant step toward advancing computational interfacing of neural networks employs the use of organoid-computing integration (OCI). The use of OCIs can expand capabilities for bio-electronic assimilation via “encoding” cultured neurons (and neuronal systems of multi-scalar organoids) by developing interconnected computerized signaling on surfaces of multielectrode array contacts. It may be that OCIs could afford a valid simulacrum for the functional computational capabilities of neural networks of a living brain, and in so doing may enable insights to both the “hard question” of neuroscience (viz. how conscious and cognitive processes arise in/from a material (biological) system, and if, how and to what extent OCIs impart sentient characteristics to hybrid and/or synthetic systems (in silico). The potential emergence of high-functioning organic-computational intelligence gives rise to a number of neuroethico-legal and social issues, which require address in ways that are herein proposed.

 Keywords: Neuro-Computational Interface (NCI); Brain Organoids; Organoid-Computing Integration (OCI); Ethical Considerations; Neurorights; Neuroethics

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James Giordano., et al. “Closed-Loop Neuronal-Computational Systems: Potentials and Problems”. EC Neurology  16.8 (2024): 01-06.