EC Neurology

Case Report Volume 15 Issue 4 - 2023

Clinical Monitoring of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response with Neurotest during Neurofeedback Therapy in Panic Disorder: A Case Report

Peci Samorindo1, Peci Federica2, Pica Rosjana2 and Castelletti Maddalena3*

1PhD MD, Ce.Ri.Fos, Milan, Italy
2San Celestino Institute, Milan, Italy
3Magenta Medical Center, Milan, Italy

*Corresponding Author: Castelletti Maddalena, Magenta Medical Center, Milan, Italy.
Received: March 02, 2023; Published: March 11, 2023

The purpose of this case report is to highlight the Neurotest as a useful and accessible questionnaire that may be integrated with different and well-established diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The Neurotest is a self-report questionnaire that investigates fluctuations in sympathic, parasympathetic (vagotonic) and GABAergic symptoms. It was administered for 15 weeks to a patient diagnosed with panic disorder. In the same period of time, 15 sessions of Neurofeedback training Alpha/Theta increase were performed with relevant clinical interviews aimed at mentalisation, self-monitoring and sharing of what observed in the progressive Neurotest assessments. Results show the normalization of the scores obtained with the psychometric scales (SCL-90-R, BDI, HAMD, HAMA) and the physiological Alpha and Theta EEG rhythms are restored together with the normotonia assessed by the Neurotest. Monitoring with Neurotest simplified the patient's compliance and sense of self-efficacy, the therapeutic alliance and targeting of treatments.

Keywords: Neurotest; Sympathetic; Parasympathetic; Anxiety Disorders; Neurofeedback; Monitoring

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Castelletti Maddalena., et al. “Clinical Monitoring of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response with Neurotest during Neurofeedback Therapy in Panic Disorder: A Case Report”. EC Neurology  15.4 (2023): 17-31.