EC Neurology

Review Article Volume 16 Issue 1 - 2024

Challenges Facing Level I Evidence in Treatment of Low Grade-Gliomas and Subsequent Uncertainties

Peter Fawzy1,2* and Tiffany Karpin3

1Department of Neurosurgery, Gold Coast University Hospital, Southport QLD, Australia
2Griffith University, School of Medicine, Southport QLD, Australia
3Bond University, School of Medicine, Robina QLD, Australia

*Corresponding Author: Peter Fawzy, Neurosurgery Principal House Officer, Gold Coast University Hospital, Senior Lecturer, Griffith University School of Medicine, Benowa, Queensland, Australia.
Received: December 18, 2023; Published: January 04, 2024

Background: The current era of molecular characterisation has contributed greatly to our understanding and management of low-grade gliomas; however, this has also contributed to a paucity in level 1 evidence.

Review: Diagnostic breakthroughs in LGGs are moving quicker than our experimental capacity can react. The design, analysis, and clinical application of first level evidence is struggling to compete with the considerable variability in the natural course of LGGs and the rapidly evolving utility of molecular characterisation of tumours. This poses several uncertainties to researchers, clinicians and more importantly, patients.

Conclusion: Individualised case-by-case decisions based on best available evidence, albeit lacking level 1 evidence, must be made by considering the tumour behaviour, clinical course and specific patient needs and goals.

 Keywords: Biomarkers; Glioma; Low-Grade; Astrocytoma; Oligodendroglioma


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Peter Fawzy and Tiffany Karpin. “Challenges Facing Level I Evidence in Treatment of Low Grade-Gliomas and Subsequent Uncertainties”. EC Neurology  16.1 (2024): 01-05.