EC Neurology

Case Report Volume 16 Issue 2 - 2024

Case of Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis of a Child with Epilepsy

Ennmer Mohammed*, Boubga Taoufik, El Herras Yahya, Marrakchi Salma, Elhaddad Siham, Allali Nazik and Chat Latifa

Department of Radiology, Mohammed V University, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Ennmer Mohammed, Department of Radiology, Mohammed V University, Morocco.
Received: December 01, 2023; Published: January 17, 2024

A case of a young girl, presenting an epilepsy, with the history of hemiplegia, the MRI found an encephalomalacia of the right cerebral hemisphere associated with atrophy of the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere, leading to the diagnosis of crossed cerebellar diaschisis.

keywords: Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis; Epilepsy; Infarction

Ennmer Mohammed., et al. “Case of Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis of a Child with Epilepsy”. EC Neurology  16.2 (2024): 01-06.