EC Neurology

Review Article Volume 14 Issue 8 - 2022

The Presence of fMRI in European and American Courts

Konstantina Kotsaki1,2,3,4*

1Psychologist, Greece

2MSc, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom

3Training in Forensic, Investigative and Criminal Psychology, Greece

4Session Chair, Speaker, Organizing Committee Member, and Moderator at a Great Variety of Intenational Webinars/Conferences

*Corresponding Author: Konstantina Kotsaki, Forensic, Investigative and Criminal Psychologist, Greece.
Received: June 21, 2022; Published: July 28, 2022

The permanent scope of courts has been to detect the truth and the lie, because they comprise the hallmark of justice. The last more reliable lie-detection tool before fMRI was the polygraph. FMRI is a more reliable tool, compared to the polygraph, to evaluate the claims of somebody as true or deceptive. Yet, it can detect false memory and if it leads to a lie or is restored. Its accuracy and reliability are proved through abundant scientific studies, and the scientific community has approved fMRI as a reliable lie-detection machine. Furthermore, fMRI can evaluate the psychopathic level of someone. The prejudices that the fMRI recordings were just images could not stand up. Either the countermeasures could not jolt the fMRI accuracy.

Since the beginning, neither the fact that its feedback did not cover all the American Supreme Court parameters to be accepted as court evidence nor the fear that the justice representatives might misinterpret the neuroscientific terms could impede the acceptance and impact of fMRI as legal evidence. Its use was extended to many criminal cases of European states. The fMRI influence was proved to be of vital importance. There are serious allegations that fMRI should be a coercive examination.

Keywords: fMRI; Lie-Detection; Forensic; Law; Brain; Polygraph; Human Rights; Recidivism

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Konstantina Kotsaki. The Presence of fMRI in European and American Courts.EC NEUROLOGY 14.8 (2022): 24-37.