EC Neurology

Mini Case Study Volume 14 Issue 8 - 2022

Guillain Barre Syndrome Phenomena After COVID 19 Vaccination

Nemer Mohammad Nader Nemer Ali1* and Hamza Khaled Mohammad Al-Salhi2

1Department of Neurology, Stadt Klinikum Soest GmbH, Germany

2Medical Student, Hashemite University, Jordan

*Corresponding Author: Nemer Mohammad Nader Nemer Ali, Department of Neurology, Stadt Klinikum Soest GmbH, Germany.
Received: July 23, 2022; Published: July 29, 2022


The commonly reported neurological adverse effects following the administration of different types of COVID-19 are often mild and transient. However, vaccines can induce unexpected severe complications. We reviewed 37 published case reports across the world about the neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination, explaining their presentations, findings, diagnosis and the patients prognosis. These complications include acute encephalitis, acute transverse myelitis, Gillian-Barre syndrome subtypes, cranial nerves neuropathies, myasthenia gravis and myositis, exacerbation of multiple sclerosis and development of refractory status epilepticus. We will focus in this article specifically on Guillain-Barré syndrome caused by the vaccines [1-5].

Nemer Mohammad Nader Nemer Ali and Hamza Khaled Mohammad Al-Salhi. Guillain Barre Syndrome Phenomena After COVID 19 Vaccination. EC NEUROLOGY 14.8 (2022): 42-43.