EC Microbiology

Research Article Volume 16 Issue 2 - 2020

Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy in Adult: Systematic Literature Review

Abdulaziz Sultan Islam1*, Majed Ali Alotaibi2, Aqeel Ghassan AlHashim3, Amal Abdulrahman Alotaibi4, Malak Hussain Asiri4, Shareefah Mesabl Alenazi4, Mohmmad Khaled Alamoudi5, Ammar Khodhor Al Ramadhan6, Reem Saeed Traad7 and Aysar Farhan Alanazi8

1King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2Shaqra University, Aldwadmi City, Saudi Arabia

3Qatif Central Hospital, Qatif, Saudi Arabia

4Tabuk University, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

5King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

6Al Qusama PHC, Al Kubar, Saudi Arabia

7King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia

8Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Abdulaziz Sultan Islam, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Received: January 10, 2020; Published: January 20, 2020

This review is aiming to discuss the surgical treatment of epilepsy in adult, the presented review was conducted by searching in Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Science Direct, BMJ journal and Google Scholar for, researches, review articles and reports, published over the past years. were searched up to November 2018 for published and unpublished studies and without language restrictions, if several studies had similar findings, we randomly selected one or two to avoid repetitive results. On the basis of findings and results this review found Lesionectomy, mesial temporal resection, temporal and extra temporal surgeries, corpus callosotomy, anterior temporal lobectomy.

keywords:Surgical; Treatment; Epilepsy; Adult

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Abdulaziz Sultan Islam., et al. “Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy in Adult: Systematic Literature Review”. EC Microbiology  16.2 (2020): 01-05.