EC Microbiology

Review Article Volume 16 Issue 12 - 2020

Surgical Management of Diverticulitis

Abdrabalamir Alsaif 1, Diyaa Hisham Calcattawi 2, Bader Eid Alsharari 3, Eman Kamel Alzayer 1, Alaa Ahmed Elsayed 4, Raed Mansour Almarhoon 5, Hawra Hassan Alghazwi 1, Musab Mousa Almasud 6, Alaa Shaker Alsaba 6, Ahmed Abdullah A Abu Alsaud 7, Ammar Alshaikh 8, Hussain Zaki Alhaddad 9, and Abdulrahman Dhaifallah Alofi 10.

1 Abqaiq General Hospital, Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia
2 Al Noor Hospital, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
3 University of Jordan, Jordan
4 Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul Aziz Hospital, Saudi Arabia
5 Prince Sultan Hospital in Mulaija, Saudi Arabia
6 Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
7 Qatif Central Hospital, Saudi Arabia
8 Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia
9 Anak General Hospital, Saudi Arabia
10 King Abdulaziz Specialized Hospital, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author:Abdrabalamir Alsaif, Abqaiq General Hospital, Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia.
Received: October 08, 2020; Published: November 26, 2020

Background : Diverticulitis has easily become one of the most common causes of gastrointestinal tract related hospitalizations in the 21st century. The disease presentation is varied clinically from mild, uncomplicated diverticulosis that can be managed as an outpa- tient, to complicated diverticulitis that is associated with peritonitis and sepsis.

Aim : In this study our aim is to understand the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and management of diverticulitis.

Methodology : This review is a comprehensive research of PUBMED since year 2009 till 2015.

Conclusion : Diverticulitis was managed historically with antibiotics initially, with many patients undergoing urgent or emergent surgeries. Nevertheless, the treatment model has changed and favors nonoperative management over surgical interventions as re- cent literature has shown that it is more beneficial in the majority of patients. Surgical management remains indispensable in a sub- set of patients as the only successful intervention, and various technical aspects can improve the prognosis of the disease.

 Keywords: Diverticulitis; Colonic Diverticula; Gastrointestinal Tract; Peritonitis and Sepsis

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Abdrabalamir Alsaif., et al. “Surgical Management of Diverticulitis”. EC Microbiology 16.12 (2020): 55-61.