EC Microbiology

Review Article Volume 20 Issue 2 - 2023

Paramyxoviruses: The Lurking Pandemic Pathogens

Abubakar Yaro1,2,3*, Catherine Johnson4 and Francis Ohanyido5

AHRO Institute, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, London, UK

Africa Health Research Organization, Kano, Nigeria

Dr Yaro Laboratory Ltd, Accra, Ghana

AHRO Scientific Advisory Board, New York, USA

West African Institute of Public Health, Abuja, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Abubakar Yaro, AHRO Institute, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, London, UK.
Received: December 23, 2023; Published: January 31, 2024

The global impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was devastating and since then the world has started looking for Pathogen “X” which might cause the next pandemic. Paramyxoviruses are mostly found in bat and are significant pathogens of interest. Of these, NiV and HeV should be source of concern for the international public health community. They possess characteristics that are associated with pathogens that cause pandemic. This review analyse these characteristics as basis for supporting WHO for including PMVs in their Priority Pathogen lists. The diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are also discussed.

 Keywords: Pandemics; Virus; Paramyxovirus; Zoonotic Diseases; Spillover; Bats

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Abubakar Yaro., et al. “Paramyxoviruses: The Lurking Pandemic Pathogens”. EC Microbiology  20.2 (2024): 01-13.