EC Microbiology

Review Article Volume 15 Issue 12 - 2019

Management of Osteoporosis in Family Practice

Abrar Abdulfattah Al Yamani 1, Saleh Ali Alshehri 2, Abdullah Saleh Alsoghair 3, Ali Meshkus Alzahrani 2, Abdullah Abdulaziz Aleid 4, Rayan Abdullah Alqifari 3, Mahmoud Abdulghafur Sait 5, Bader Duhaim Almutairi 6, Omar Saleh Alghamdi 2, Fahad Mogli Alharbi 7, Rayan Ali Aardi 8.

1 Cinsultant Family Medicine, Obhur Primary Health Care Center, King Abdullah Medical Complex, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2 King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
3 Unaizah College of Medicine, Unaizah, Saudi Arabia
4 Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia
5 King Fahad General Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
6 King Saud Hospital, Unaizah, Saudi Arabia
7 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
8 King Abdullah Medical Complex, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author:Abrar Abdulfattah AlYamani, Cinsultant Family Medicine, Obhur Primary Health Care Center, King Abdullah Medical Complex, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Received:November 19, 2019; Published: November 27, 2019

While the know-how regarding the medical diagnosis as well as procedure of osteoporosis has grown greatly over a final couple of years, gaps in know-how still exist along with guidance being without the necessary monitoring of many common professional situ- ations like when to start drug therapy in a patient along with reduced bone tissue thickness. It is predicted that 34 thousand people in United States have low bone quality and are at a greater risk for low risk fractures. In this review, we will discuss osteoporosis analysis, typical reasons for therapy failure, as well as the strategy to the patients who are not responding to necessary treatment.

Aim: In this review, we will discuss osteoporosis along its management in general practice.

Keywords: Osteoporosis; Family Practice; Management; BMD

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Abrar Abdulfattah Al Yamani., et al. “Management of Osteoporosis in Family Practice”. EC Microbiology  15.12 (2019): 01-07.