EC Microbiology

Editorial Volume 19 Issue 4 - 2023

Introduction to Monkeypox Virus Infection, Symptoms, and Treatment

Osama O Ibrahim*

Consultant Biotechnology, Bio Innovation LLC, Gurnee, IL, USA

*Corresponding Author: Osama O Ibrahim, Consultant Biotechnology, Bio Innovation LLC, Gurnee, IL, USA.
Received: July 27, 2022; Published: March 31, 2023

The infection with monkeypox virus was first identified in the year 1958 in two monkeys kept for research at the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen. The first human case of monkeypox was emerged in the year 1970 as endemic occurred in Central and West African countries. Later and after over 40 from the first endemic, monkeypox is being identified as epidemic in Europe and in the United States of America in the current year 2022 [1].

Keywords: Monkeypox Virus Infection; Symptoms; Treatment

Osama O Ibrahim. Introduction to Monkeypox Virus Infection, Symptoms, and Treatment. EC Microbiology  19.4 (2023): 79-81.