EC Microbiology

Research Protocol Volume 19 Issue 9 - 2023

Biological Efficiency Evaluation of Active Microbial Air Samplers According to the Simplified Laboratory Method as for EN 17141:2020

M Castrica1*, R Ligugnana2, A Ligugnana2 and A Klavins3

1Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Milan, Via dell’ Università 6, Lodi, Italy
2SIMA - Italian Society for Applied Microbiology Air Museum, Milan, Italy
3Hardy Diagnostics, PSM, SantaMaria, California, CA, USA
*Corresponding Author: M Castrica, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Milan, Via dell’ Università 6, Lodi, Italy.
Received: August 27, 2023; Published: September 01, 2023

The new EN 17141:2020 - Cleanroom and associated controlled environments - Bio contamination control describes an innovative simplified laboratory method for the qualification of microbial air samplers. The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the practical application of the reported method and to validate the innovative air sampler: TRIO.BAS from Orum International, Italy.

Briefly, as described in Annex E of EN 17141:2020, at point E.6.2 a simplified laboratory method was applied, which consisted of at least two different environments/rooms with an unknown and normally present microbial concentration inside.

The preliminary experiment was conducted within five identified rooms (n = 5) 20m2 each, in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DIVAS) of the University of Milan, where a previously qualified air sampler: MAS100 from Millipore, USA, the gold standard, was compared with a new instrument to be qualified: TRIO.BAS.

Preliminary test results showed a good efficiency of TRIO.BAS MONO in sampling the airborne microbial concentration.

 Keywords: Air Sampler; Biological Collection Efficiency; Bio Aerosol; Validation; Official Standard Method

  • EN17141: Cleanroom and associated controlled environments – Biocontamination control (2020).
  • ISO 14698-1. Cleanroom and associated controlled environments – Biocontamination control - Part 1 - General principles and methods (2003).
  • Physical Efficiency test of TRIO.BAS - SIMA - Italian Society for Applied Microbiology - Report.
  • Biological Efficiency test of TRIO.BAS - CMA Report - Validation test of the collection efficacy of airborne microorganisms by TRIO.BAS according to EN 17141: Standard (2020).
  • M Castrica., et al. “Biological Efficiency Evaluation of Active Microbial Air Samplers According to the Simplified Laboratory Method as for EN 17141:2020” ”. EC Microbiology  19.9 (2023): 01-07.