EC Microbiology

Research Article Volume 21 Issue 3 - 2025

Antimicrobial Activity and Bioactive Compounds of Juniper phoenicea: A Mini Review

Wafa S. Zubi1*, Asma A. Elamari1 and Nawal M. Buzgaia2

1Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Libya

2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Libya

*Corresponding Author: Wafa S. Zubi, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Libya.
Received: January 17, 2025; Published: February 26, 2025

In recent decades, natural plants have been increasingly used to improve human health. The genus of Juniper has been widely used in the treatment of certain diseases as a traditional medicinal herb. Juniperus phoenicea stands as an attractive subject of study within botany and pharmacology domains due to its ecological flexibility in the Mediterranean area and bioactive compound diversity. Many studies have shown that plant parts of Juniperus phoenicea store various of bioactive chemicals which display significant antimicrobial activity. Therefore, this study aims to provide a review of the bioactive compound within the Juniperus phoenicea, explore the antimicrobial activity effects, and discuss the potential use of this species in the controlling of pathogenic microbes.

 Keywords: Juniperus phoenicea; Antimicrobial Activity; Bioactive Compounds

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Wafa S. Zubi., et al. “Antimicrobial Activity and Bioactive Compounds of Juniper phoenicea: A Mini Review”. EC Microbiology  21.3 (2025): 01-11.