EC Microbiology

Mini Review Volume 19 Issue 9 - 2023

Ability to Alter the Activity Level of Serotonin by Parasite

Sajad Farahani*

University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST), Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Sajad Farahani, University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST), Tehran, Iran.
Received: September 03, 2023; Published: September 12, 2023

Parasites modify the host’s behavior by regulating the host’s neurotransmitter serotonin levels Biogenic amines e.g. neurotransmitter serotonin have been linked to osmoregulation and temperature tolerance in crustaceans. The combined effects of elevated temperature and parasitic infection probably affects the performance of the crustacean brain and thus behavioural responses. Parasites in invasive hosts may have different ability to alter the activity level of serotonin in compete with native hosts.

 Keywords: Biogenic Amines; Physiological Tolerance; Behavioural Traits

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Sajad Farahani. “Ability to Alter the Activity Level of Serotonin by Parasite” ”. EC Microbiology  19.9 (2023): 01-03.