EC Microbiology

Review Article Volume 18 Issue 8 - 2022

Impact of Ethnicity and Diet on Host Gut Microbiota: A Review

Iram Liaqat*

Department of Zoology, Government College University, Lahore

*Corresponding Author: Iram Liaqat, Department of Zoology, Government College University, Lahore.
Received: June 19, 2022; Published: July 19, 2022

The health and disease of human beings are affected by the gut microbiota. The association of the disease with the microbiota has been explored in the populations. However, this baseline of the gut microbiota is absent in the whole nation. The gut microbial formation depends on microbial metabolism, but association with the microbiota present in distinct diets of humans has not been discovered. In this manner, the fecal microbiota of children could compare, and the high fiber content is found in it. This would be the same as that of the early settlements of humans at the birth time of agriculture. There is an important enhancement in gut microbiota in these two groups through 16S rDNA sequencing and biochemical analyses. First, there is the identification of the four enterotypes. The three are enhanced for prevotella, Bacteroides, and Escherichia. But there is no dominant genus of the fourth one. Then, there is an imposing collaboration among the gut microbiota and many variables connected to the six kinds: diet, demography, geography, urbanization, etc. Then, there is discovered that the types of largest microbiota are demonstrated by geography. After that, there is a clarification of the different patterns in collaboration with food staple, ethnicity, and residential areas. Finally, there is the observation of the consumption of wheat by individuals as chief food, having more variety of microbiota. This is composed of the 1,3beta-glucosidase and S-adenosyl-L-methionine. This is responsible for biosynthesis in those individuals who are consuming the rice, depending on the prognostic function.

Keywords: Gut Microbiota; Ethnicity; GI Tract; Review Article; Diet Role

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Iram Liaqat. Impact of Ethnicity and Diet on Host Gut Microbiota: A Review.EC Microbiology 18.8 (2022): 41-48.