EC Gynaecology

Impact Factor: 1.624


Journal Info

Journal : EC Gynaecology
Current Issue : Volume 12 Issue 11 - 2023
Publication Date : November 01, 2023
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
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Volume 12 Issue 11


Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) Disorders

Babulal S Patel. 12(11): 01-03.

Research Article

Urodynamics Following Nerve-Sparing Radical Abdominal Hysterectomy Using Water-Jet Dissection

SV Mukhtarulina, MA Meshkova, VV Romih and AD Kaprin. 12(11): 01-09.

Review Article

Management of Menopause towards Natural Management without Hormones

Victor Manuel Vargas Hernandez, Jesús E Luján Irastorza and Victor Manuel Vargas Aguilar. 12(11): 01-07.

Review Article

Changing Trends in Ectopic Pregnancy: Its Location and Management

Naiknaware Sachin Vijay. 12(11): 01-07.

Case Report

Immediate Repair of an Iatrogenic Uterine Transection During Myomectomy and Patient Follow-Up: A Case Report

Olga Triantafyllidou, Konstantinos Stavridis, Stavroula Lila Kastora and Nikolaos Vlahos. 12(11): 01-05.