EC Gynaecology

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 11 - 2023

Changing Trends in Ectopic Pregnancy: Its Location and Management

Naiknaware Sachin Vijay*

Gyanaec Endoscopic Surgeon, Parkview Hospital, Mumbai, India
*Corresponding Author: Naiknaware Sachin Vijay, Gyanaec Endoscopic Surgeon, Parkview Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Received: September 14, 2023; Published: October 10, 2023

Ectopic pregnancy is defined as implantation of fertilised ovum outside uterine cavity. Recently there has been an increase in incidence of ectopic pregnancy and many uncommon locations are diagnosed more frequently than before, in this article we will be having look at different sites of ectopic pregnancy.

 Keywords: Ectopic Pregnancy; Uterine Cavity; Laparoscopy

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Naiknaware Sachin Vijay. Changing Trends in Ectopic Pregnancy: Its Location and Management. EC Gynaecology 12.11 (2023): 01-07.