Volume 1 Issue 2


Geriatric Endodontics Gaining More Important Roleā€¦

M Omer Gorduysus, and May Karam. 1(2): 80-82.

Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Screw Loosening in Titanium and Zirconia Implant-Supported Abutments-An In vitro Study

Rafaella Monteiro Oliveira Cid, Gustavo Jose Giardini, Kyle Stanley, Adriano Almeida Goncalves Siqueira and Antonio Carlos Cardoso. 1(2): 83-89.

Research Article

Cytological Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid on Wound Healing Following Extraction

Gocmen Gokhan, Gonul O, Oktay NS, Pisiriciler R and Goker K. 1(2): 98-103.