Volume 14 Issue 5


Smoking and Healing

Rahaf Y Al-Habbab. 14(5): 202-203.

Case Report

Long-Term Interim Fixed Prosthesis Reinforced with Metal Casting

Meisan Ali Bukhari, BDS, SBP. 14(5): 210-216.

Review Article

Rapid Prototyping Technologies in Prosthetic Dentistry

A Nehir Ă–zden and Mohammed Abujalala. 14(5): 217-224.

Research Article

Juvenile Dosimetry of Panoramic and CBCT Imaging for Visualing Root Resorption

Branets I, An T, Mahdian M, Patchell G, Sheth S, Dauer LT, Quinn B, Faber RD, Colosi DC and Goren AD. 14(5): 235-239.